Confession and Communion
THE SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION & COMMUNION Every effort has been made to schedule many services during Great Lent at which the Sacraments of Confession & Communion are served. It is the duty of every practicing Orthodox Christian to receive these Sacraments at least once a year and many choose to do this during Great Lent. However, those who leave this important ritual till Palm Sunday are putting a great strain on Fr. Volodymyr, whose duties are especially heavy in the closing days of Great Lent.
Parents must arrange a personal meeting with Fr. Volodymyr to make arrangements. God-parents must be practicing Orthodox Christians. Baptising a Child in the Orthodox Church presupposes that the child will be raised as an Orthodox Christian.
Online baptismal declaration form
Baptismal application form in PDF format
Couples must arrange a personal meeting with Fr. Volodymyr to make arrangements. If one of the parties is not Orthodox certain conditions may apply.
Click here to see and submit on line the Marriage Declaration form.